Shure PSM900 Wireless In-Ear Monitor Beltpack Receiver
Shure PSM900 Wireless In-Ear Monitor Beltpack Receiver
- Advanced rechargeability option provides up to 10 hours of continuous use, with precision tracking of battery life and charge cycle details
- Ultra-thin, low profile bodypack allows discreet placement on the performer
- Enhanced digital stereo encoder provides an expansive soundstage for excellent audio clarity and detail
- With RF Scan, stand where the artist will be on stage and instantly check RF level
- Automatic Gain Control greatly prevents signal dropout due to RF overload and allows more channels to be used simultaneously
- Syncs to a P9T transmitter quickly and easily over IR link using Scan and Sync
- Switchable 10/50/100 mW output power provides a robust RF link in a variety of performance environments
- Separate, easily visible audio and RF status indicator LED's
- Audio level and battery life metering
- Selectable high-frequency EQ boost (+3/+6 dB @ 10 kHz)
- Volume and balance controls
- Extruded aluminum construction for rugged dependability